When to Call an Arborist and When to Do It Yourself

Maintaining the health and beauty of your trees is a rewarding endeavor, but knowing when to take matters into your own hands and when to call in a professional arborist is crucial. Proper tree care not only enhances the aesthetics of your property but also ensures the safety and longevity of your trees. In this guide, we’ll explore different scenarios, offering insights into when a DIY approach is suitable and when it’s time to enlist the expertise of an arborist.

The DIY Approach: Knowing Your Limits

1. Routine Pruning and Trimming: DIY-Friendly

Keeping your trees well-pruned is essential for their overall health and appearance. Minor pruning tasks, such as removing dead or small branches, can often be handled by homeowners. Use the right tools—sharp, clean pruning shears for smaller branches and a pruning saw for larger ones. Remember to follow proper pruning techniques to avoid causing harm to the tree.

2. Mulching and Watering: Homeowner Responsibilities

Mulching around the base of your trees and providing adequate water are routine tasks that homeowners can manage without professional assistance. Mulch helps retain moisture, regulates soil temperature, and prevents weed growth. Be mindful not to overmulch, as this can lead to issues like root rot. Regular watering, especially during dry periods, is vital for tree health.

3. Inspecting for Pests and Diseases: Early Detection DIY

Regularly inspecting your trees for signs of pests or diseases is crucial for early intervention. Look for abnormal leaf discoloration, wilting, or the presence of pests. If you notice any issues, research appropriate treatments or consult with local gardening experts for guidance. Early detection and prompt action can often prevent larger problems.

4. Supporting Young Trees: DIY Staking

Young trees may benefit from staking to provide support against strong winds or other environmental stressors. Proper staking techniques can often be implemented by homeowners using stakes and ties. However, it’s essential not to leave stakes in place for too long, as this can hinder the natural development of the tree.

When to Call an Arborist

1. Large Tree Removal: Arborist Expertise Required

Removing large trees is a complex and potentially hazardous task that should be left to trained professionals. Arborists have the skills, equipment, and experience to safely and efficiently fell trees, minimizing the risk of damage to property and ensuring the safety of people nearby.

2. Disease Diagnosis and Treatment: Arborist Consultation

If you suspect your tree is suffering from a disease, calling in an arborist is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Arborists have the knowledge to identify specific diseases, prescribe the right treatments, and ensure the overall health of your trees.

3. Dangerous Branch Removal: Arborist Expertise Required

When dealing with large or overhanging branches that pose a risk to property or safety, it’s best to enlist the help of an arborist. They have the equipment, such as cranes and harnesses, to safely remove hazardous branches without causing further damage.

4. Tree Transplanting: Arborist Specialization

Transplanting mature trees is a delicate process that requires specialized knowledge and equipment. Arborists can assess the viability of tree relocation, carefully plan the transplanting process, and provide post-transplant care to ensure the tree’s survival.

5. Emergency Situations: Immediate Arborist Response

In the aftermath of storms or severe weather events, fallen trees or branches can pose imminent dangers. Arborists are equipped to respond quickly to emergency situations, providing prompt removal of debris and ensuring the safety of your property.


In the realm of tree care, striking the right balance between DIY efforts and professional arborist services is essential. While routine tasks and minor issues can often be handled by homeowners, recognizing the limits of your expertise is crucial to prevent accidents and further damage. For complex tasks, potential hazards, or situations requiring specialized knowledge, consulting with a certified arborist is the wisest course of action. By doing so, you not only protect your trees but also contribute to the overall well-being of your property and the environment. Responsible tree care is a partnership between homeowners and arborists, working together to ensure the health and beauty of our green companions.

Arborist Tools of the Trade

Arborists, the skilled professionals responsible for the care and maintenance of trees, rely on a specialized set of tools to perform their tasks efficiently and safely. These tools not only make their job easier but also contribute to the overall health and longevity of trees. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various arborist tools of the trade, delving into their functions and importance in ensuring the well-being of our green companions.

1. Pruning Tools:

a. Pruning Shears/Secateurs:

  • These handheld cutting tools are a staple for arborists when it comes to precision pruning. They are ideal for trimming small branches and twigs, promoting healthy growth and shaping trees.

b. Loppers:

  • Loppers are an extension of pruning shears, designed with longer handles for increased reach. Arborists use loppers to trim thicker branches with ease, allowing for more precise and controlled cutting.

c. Pole Pruners:

  • For high-reaching branches, pole pruners come into play. Fitted with an extended pole, these tools enable arborists to access and prune branches without the need for ladders, ensuring both safety and efficiency.

2. Saws:

a. Hand Saws:

  • Compact and versatile, hand saws are essential for cutting through smaller limbs and branches. Arborists often use them in tight spaces where larger saws might be impractical.

b. Chainsaws:

  • The quintessential tool for arborists dealing with large-scale tree removal or heavy pruning. Modern chainsaws come in various sizes and configurations, allowing arborists to tackle a wide range of tasks efficiently.

c. Pole Saws:

  • Similar to pole pruners, pole saws are extended versions of traditional chainsaws, designed for cutting higher branches. They provide a safer alternative to climbing or using lifts for elevated pruning.

3. Climbing Tools:

a. Climbing Harness:

  • Safety is paramount in arborist work, and a climbing harness is a crucial part of the safety gear. It provides support and attachment points for arborists as they ascend and work in the tree canopy.

b. Climbing Spurs/Spikes:

  • Arborists use climbing spurs, also known as spikes, to ascend trees safely. These metal spikes attach to their boots, providing a secure grip and preventing slipping during climbs.

c. Ascenders and Descenders:

  • Ascenders and descenders are mechanical devices that help arborists move up and down the rope with ease, enhancing efficiency and reducing physical strain during climbing tasks.

4. Tree Inspection Tools:

a. Resistograph:

  • This specialized tool allows arborists to assess the internal condition of trees by measuring the resistance encountered while drilling into the trunk. It helps identify decay, cavities, or other potential issues not visible from the outside.

b. Increment Borers:

  • Arborists use increment borers to extract core samples from tree trunks. These samples provide valuable information about a tree’s growth rings, helping assess its age, health, and response to environmental conditions.

5. Rigging Equipment:

a. Rigging Ropes:

  • High-strength, low-stretch ropes are essential for safely lowering branches during tree removals or pruning. Rigging ropes are carefully chosen to withstand the weight and forces involved in these operations.

b. Pulleys and Blocks:

  • Pulleys and blocks are used in conjunction with rigging ropes to create mechanical advantage, making it easier for arborists to lift and control heavy branches. This equipment is crucial for safe and controlled tree dismantling.

6. Soil Aeration and Fertilization Tools:

a. Soil Augers:

  • Arborists use soil augers to assess soil conditions around a tree’s root zone. This tool helps determine compaction, moisture levels, and the need for aeration or fertilization to enhance tree health.

b. Fertilizer Injectors:

  • Fertilizer injectors allow arborists to deliver nutrients directly to a tree’s root system. This targeted approach ensures efficient nutrient absorption, promoting optimal growth and vitality.


Arborists are not just tree care professionals; they are custodians of our urban forests. The tools they wield are not only instruments of their trade but guardians of the environment. As we appreciate the beauty and benefits of trees, it’s essential to recognize the expertise and equipment that arborists bring to the task of preserving and enhancing our green landscapes. From pruning shears to chainsaws, climbing spurs to soil augers, each tool plays a vital role in the arborist’s toolkit, ensuring that our trees receive the care they deserve for generations to come.

The Crucial Role of Trees in Climate Change Mitigation

Amidst the global challenge of climate change, the significance and attention accorded to the role of trees in mitigation have grown exponentially. Trees are not merely essential for sustaining biodiversity and offering habitats to countless species; they also assume a pivotal role in mitigating the impacts of climate change. This article explores the diverse ways in which trees contribute to climate change mitigation, underscoring the pivotal importance of preserving and expanding their presence as fundamental elements within any comprehensive strategy aimed at addressing the ongoing climate crisis.

Carbon Sequestration: Nature’s Climate Solution

Central to the formidable climate mitigation capabilities of trees lies their innate capacity to absorb and sequester carbon dioxide, a primary greenhouse gas accountable for global warming. Via the transformative process of photosynthesis, trees actively absorb carbon dioxide, converting it into life-enabling oxygen and storing carbon within their biomass. This process of carbon sequestration not only serves as a crucial tool in mitigating the effects of climate change but also contributes to preserving the delicate equilibrium of atmospheric gases.

Forests, in particular, act as significant carbon sinks. The Amazon rainforest, often referred to as the “lungs of the Earth,” is a prime example of the colossal carbon sequestration capacity of large, intact forest ecosystems. Preserving and restoring such forests is crucial in the fight against climate change.

Cooling Effect: Alleviating Urban Heat Islands

Beyond carbon sequestration, trees contribute to climate change mitigation by providing a cooling effect in urban areas. Through the natural phenomenon of evapotranspiration, trees release water vapor into the air, inducing a cooling effect in their immediate surroundings. This is particularly important in urban environments where the prevalence of heat-absorbing surfaces like concrete and asphalt can create urban heat islands.

Strategic tree planting in urban spaces not only helps combat rising temperatures but also enhances overall air quality and makes cities more livable. Local initiatives that focus on expanding urban tree canopies have the dual benefit of improving the environment for residents while contributing to broader climate change mitigation goals.

Biodiversity Conservation: Resilience in the Face of Change

Biodiversity is intimately linked with ecosystem resilience, and trees play a vital role in supporting diverse ecosystems. A rich tapestry of plant and animal life within and around forests contributes to ecological stability, making ecosystems more resilient to the impacts of climate change. As climate patterns shift, diverse ecosystems have a better chance of adapting and surviving.

Preserving existing forests and engaging in afforestation projects to create new forested areas are essential strategies for promoting biodiversity and enhancing ecosystems’ ability to withstand the challenges posed by a changing climate.

Protecting Against Extreme Weather Events

Climate change is associated with an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including hurricanes, floods, and wildfires. Trees act as natural buffers against such events. Forests, for instance, can reduce the risk of landslides and flash floods by stabilizing soil and regulating water flow.

In coastal areas, mangrove forests serve as natural barriers against storm surges, protecting communities from the devastating impacts of hurricanes. Integrating tree conservation and reforestation into disaster risk reduction plans is a pragmatic approach to building resilience in the face of a changing climate.

Community Engagement and Sustainable Development

Engaging local communities in tree planting initiatives not only fosters a sense of environmental stewardship but also contributes to sustainable development goals. Agroforestry, as an illustrative example, seamlessly incorporates trees into agricultural landscapes, delivering a myriad of advantages, including heightened soil fertility, improved water retention, and diversified income streams for local communities.

By recognizing and promoting the role of trees in sustainable development, it becomes possible to create synergies between climate change mitigation efforts and broader socioeconomic objectives.

As we confront the mounting challenges of climate change, it is paramount to underscore the indispensable role that trees play in mitigation efforts. Whether standing in the vast expanses of untouched forests or gracing the tree-lined streets of urban neighborhoods, every tree plays a pivotal role in the collective endeavor to stabilize our climate and foster resilience in the face of inevitable change.

Addressing climate change effectively demands a comprehensive, multifaceted strategy, and trees emerge as a natural and potent ally in this crucial undertaking. Governments, communities, and individuals must join forces in a collaborative effort to safeguard existing forests, embark on expansive reforestation initiatives, and seamlessly incorporate trees into sustainable development practices. Through concerted and united efforts, we can leverage the inherent potential of trees to actively mitigate climate change, thus ensuring a more sustainable and resilient future for generations yet to come.

Exploring Sustainable Tree Care Practices

Trees stand as indispensable pillars in our environment, endowing us with a multitude of benefits that extend from the vital roles of oxygen production and carbon sequestration to the enhancement of aesthetics. As stewards of the environment, it becomes crucial to adopt sustainable practices when caring for these vital organisms. Within this article, we embark on an exploration of the realm of sustainable tree care practices, delving into methodologies that not only foster the well-being of trees but also strive to minimize adverse environmental repercussions.

Water Conservation and Efficient Irrigation

A cornerstone of sustainable tree care lies in the prudent management of water resources, emphasizing the crucial aspect of water conservation.Rather than relying on excessive watering, a practice that can lead to soil erosion and unnecessary water wastage, it is imperative to embrace efficient irrigation methods. For example, drip irrigation systems deliver water precisely to the tree’s root zone, mitigating evaporation and ensuring optimal utilization of each precious drop.

Additionally, capturing and utilizing rainwater can be a sustainable approach to tree irrigation. Implementing rain barrels or comparable systems enables the gathering of rainwater, providing a reservoir for use during dry spells and lessening dependence on traditional water sources.

Natural Mulching Techniques

Mulching is a time-tested practice in tree care, providing several benefits such as moisture retention, weed suppression, and temperature regulation. Sustainable mulching involves the use of natural materials like wood chips, straw, or compost rather than synthetic materials. Natural mulches break down over time, enriching the soil and promoting a healthier ecosystem around the tree.

Choosing locally sourced mulch materials reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation. Moreover, mulching in a way that avoids piling the material against the tree trunk, known as “volcano mulching,” prevents the development of harmful conditions like root rot.

Organic Fertilization Methods

Maintaining soil fertility is crucial for the health of trees, but the choice of fertilization methods can significantly impact environmental sustainability. Opting for organic fertilizers, derived from natural sources like compost, manure, or plant residues, reduces the risk of groundwater contamination and minimizes the use of synthetic chemicals.

Sustainable fertilization practices also involve conducting soil tests to determine specific nutrient needs, allowing for targeted and efficient application. This approach prevents over-fertilization, a common issue that can contribute to water pollution and disrupt the balance of the local ecosystem.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Sustainable tree care recognizes the importance of coexisting with the surrounding ecosystem, including insects and wildlife. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an approach that seeks to manage pests in an environmentally responsible manner. Instead of depending exclusively on chemical pesticides, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) employs a blend of biological control, cultural practices, and the judicious application of less harmful chemicals.

Encouraging natural predators, like beneficial insects, that feed on harmful pests helps maintain a balanced ecosystem. Regular monitoring of tree health allows for early detection of pest issues, enabling prompt and targeted intervention.

Conserving Biodiversity in Urban Landscapes

Urban environments often pose challenges to tree health due to factors such as compacted soil, limited space, and pollution. Sustainable tree care in urban landscapes involves selecting tree species that are well-adapted to local conditions and promoting biodiversity. Diversifying tree species helps mitigate the impact of diseases and pests that may affect a specific type of tree.

Furthermore, the creation of green spaces that nurture a diverse spectrum of plant and animal life serves as a crucial factor in bolstering the overall vitality of ecosystems. Sustainable urban forestry practices consider the interconnectedness of all living organisms in the urban environment, aiming to create resilient and thriving ecosystems.

Pruning for Health and Form

Pruning stands as a vital facet of tree care, exerting influence not only on the health but also on the aesthetic allure of trees. Sustainable pruning practices focus on promoting the natural form of the tree while addressing potential safety hazards. Utilizing discerning pruning techniques, such as crown thinning and the removal of deadwood, facilitates heightened sunlight penetration and enhanced air circulation, all while safeguarding the tree’s structural integrity.

Exercising diligence in steering clear of excessive or inappropriate pruning practices emerges as pivotal for the overall well-being of the tree. Excessive pruning poses risks, inducing stress, heightening susceptibility to diseases, and diminishing the tree’s capacity to effectively sequester carbon.

In the endeavor to establish sustainable tree care practices, it becomes apparent that an essential foundation lies in adopting a comprehensive and environmentally conscious approach. From water conservation and organic fertilization to integrated pest management and urban biodiversity preservation, these practices contribute to the health and longevity of trees while minimizing the impact on the surrounding ecosystem. Through the embrace and advocacy of sustainable tree care practices, we fortify the assurance that forthcoming generations will persistently reap the myriad benefits that trees bestow upon our planet.

The Role of Trees in Climate Change Mitigation: How Arborists Can Make a Difference

In the face of escalating climate change concerns, the role of trees in mitigating the impacts of global warming has gained unprecedented importance. Trees, often referred to as nature’s carbon sinks, play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide and mitigating the effects of climate change. Arborists, the unsung heroes of our urban landscapes, are instrumental in ensuring the health and vitality of trees, thereby maximizing their potential in the fight against climate change.

The Carbon Sequestration Power of Trees

One of the primary ways in which trees contribute to climate change mitigation is through carbon sequestration. Trees absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, utilizing it for growth while releasing oxygen as a byproduct. This process helps to offset the increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas responsible for global warming.

Arborists play a pivotal role in maintaining the health of trees, ensuring they continue to sequester carbon effectively. Regular tree care practices, such as proper pruning, fertilization, and pest management, contribute to the overall well-being of trees, enhancing their ability to sequester carbon over their lifespan.

Urban Forests and Temperature Regulation

In urban areas, where the impacts of climate change are often more pronounced, arborists contribute significantly to the creation and maintenance of urban forests. These green spaces provide shade, reduce the urban heat island effect, and contribute to temperature regulation.

Arborists are crucial in selecting and planting climate-resilient tree species suitable for urban environments. They understand the importance of proper tree spacing, ensuring optimal growth conditions for each tree to maximize their cooling effects. By strategically planting and maintaining urban forests, arborists enhance the overall resilience of cities to the rising temperatures associated with climate change.

Tree Services as Climate Change Adaptation

Beyond their role in carbon sequestration and temperature regulation, arborists are also key players in climate change adaptation. As weather patterns become more unpredictable and extreme events more frequent, trees face increased risks of damage from storms, pests, and diseases.

Arborists are on the front lines, providing preventive care and responding to the aftermath of extreme weather events. Pruning weak branches, removing hazardous trees, and implementing pest control measures are crucial aspects of their work. By fortifying trees against potential threats, arborists contribute to the resilience of ecosystems, ensuring that trees continue to fulfill their role as climate change mitigators.

Community Engagement and Education

Arborists are not only tree caretakers but also educators and advocates for sustainable tree management practices. Community engagement is a powerful tool in the fight against climate change, and arborists play a vital role in raising awareness about the importance of trees in climate change mitigation.

Educational outreach programs, workshops, and public events organized by arborists help communities understand the value of trees and inspire collective action. By fostering a sense of responsibility for local ecosystems, arborists empower communities to actively participate in tree planting initiatives and sustainable urban forestry projects.

The Challenge of Urbanization

While trees contribute significantly to climate change mitigation, the process of urbanization poses challenges to their survival. Arborists face the task of adapting traditional tree care practices to the constraints of urban landscapes. Issues such as compacted soil, limited space for root expansion, and pollution require innovative solutions.

Arborists are at the forefront of developing and implementing techniques like structural soil installation, root barriers, and air pollution mitigation strategies. These adaptations ensure that trees in urban areas not only survive but thrive, continuing to provide vital ecosystem services in the battle against climate change.

Arborists as Guardians of Climate Resilience

In conclusion, the role of trees in climate change mitigation is undeniable, and arborists are the unsung heroes working diligently to ensure the health and vitality of our urban forests. Through their expertise in tree care, community engagement, and adaptation to urban challenges, arborists play a pivotal role in maximizing the climate change mitigation potential of trees.

As we navigate the challenges of a changing climate, it is crucial to recognize and support the work of arborists. Their efforts not only contribute to the health of individual trees but also have far-reaching impacts on the well-being of our planet. By understanding and appreciating the role of arborists, we can collectively work towards a more sustainable and resilient future, where trees continue to stand as guardians against the impacts of climate change.

Strategies for Ensuring Trees Thrive in City Environments

Cities, bustling with activity and teeming with life, are often viewed as concrete jungles. Amidst the urban sprawl, however, it stands a vital component that plays a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and enhancing the quality of life – trees. Urban trees face unique challenges, from limited space to pollution, yet they are essential for providing shade, reducing air pollution, and contributing to the overall well-being of urban dwellers. Implementing effective strategies for ensuring trees thrive in city environments is not only a matter of aesthetic appeal but a fundamental step toward creating sustainable and resilient urban landscapes.

Urban Planning with Trees in Mind

One of the fundamental strategies for ensuring the well-being of trees in urban environments is integrating them into the city planning process. Urban planners should consider the location and distribution of trees as a crucial element in designing public spaces, streets, and residential areas. Incorporating green corridors and designated green spaces into city plans allows for the strategic placement of trees, ensuring they have sufficient space to grow, access to sunlight, and proper soil conditions.

Species Selection for Urban Resilience

Not all trees are equally equipped to thrive in the hustle and bustle of city life. Urban environments bring challenges like pollution, compacted soil, and restricted root space. Therefore, selecting tree species that are resilient to these conditions is vital. Indigenous and adaptive species, well-suited to local climates, are often more resilient in the face of urban stressors. Consideration should be given not only to a tree’s aesthetic appeal but also to its ability to withstand pollution and adapt to the urban microclimate.

Soil Management and Root Care

Urban soil is often compacted, lacking the nutrients and aeration that trees require for healthy growth. Implementing proper soil management practices is essential for ensuring trees thrive in city environments. Techniques such as aeration, mulching, and nutrient supplementation can enhance soil quality. Moreover, providing sufficient space for root growth and employing innovative solutions like structural soil systems can help trees establish strong and resilient root systems even in confined urban spaces.

Irrigation and Water Management

Urban trees frequently face water stress due to factors such as impervious surfaces and competition for water resources. Implementing efficient irrigation systems tailored to the specific needs of urban trees is crucial. Drip irrigation, soil moisture sensors, and rainwater harvesting systems can help ensure that trees receive an adequate and consistent water supply. Additionally, promoting water conservation practices in urban areas contributes to the overall health of trees and the sustainability of urban ecosystems.

Tree Canopy Expansion Programs

Increasing the canopy cover in urban areas not only enhances the visual appeal but also provides numerous environmental benefits. Tree canopy expansion programs involve planting new trees and protecting existing ones. These initiatives can be community-driven or part of citywide efforts. Collaborations between local government, community groups, and environmental organizations can amplify the impact of such programs, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for urban green spaces.

Pollution Mitigation Strategies

Urban environments are often plagued by air and noise pollution, which can adversely affect tree health. Implementing pollution mitigation strategies, such as green barriers and tree-lined avenues, can help protect trees from the harmful effects of pollution. Trees act as natural filters, absorbing pollutants and particulate matter from the air. Strategic planning that considers the placement of trees in areas with high pollution levels can significantly improve their chances of thriving in urban settings.

Community Engagement and Education

Raising awareness and fostering a sense of ownership among the community is a powerful strategy for ensuring the well-being of urban trees. Community engagement programs can include tree planting events, educational workshops, and outreach initiatives that highlight the ecological and social benefits of urban trees. When residents understand the importance of trees and actively participate in their care, it creates a collective commitment to preserving and nurturing the urban forest.

Regular Monitoring and Maintenance

Regular monitoring and maintenance are crucial aspects of ensuring the long-term health and vitality of urban trees. Establishing a routine inspection schedule to assess tree health, identify potential issues, and address them promptly is essential. Pruning, pest control, and structural support when needed contribute to the overall well-being of trees in city environments. Additionally, involving certified arborists and tree care professionals ensures that the maintenance practices align with the specific needs of urban trees.

In conclusion, ensuring the thriving of trees in city environments requires a holistic and proactive approach. From the initial stages of urban planning to ongoing maintenance and community involvement, every step plays a vital role in creating resilient and sustainable urban forests. Recognizing the importance of trees in urban ecosystems and implementing these strategies is not just an investment in the environment but a commitment to enhancing the quality of life for current and future generations in urban spaces. By embracing these strategies, cities can transform into havens where concrete and greenery coexist harmoniously, fostering a healthier and more sustainable urban environment.

How to Increase Your Property Value With Smart Landscaping and Tree Service

Landscaping & Tree Service

Whether you’re looking to sell your home or just want to improve the value of your property, landscaping is a great way to boost your investment.

Landscaping is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to increase your home’s resale value. In fact, a study found that homeowners achieve a 109% return on their investment when they landscaping their home!

Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is a big factor for buyers, and a home with attractive curb appeal can sell faster than a home with poor curb appeal. Fortunately, it doesn’t require a huge investment to improve the look of your property.

A few simple changes can make a significant impact on your property’s appearance, and it can help you increase its value. To get started, take a walk around your home and notice the things that may detract from its appeal.

Consider removing clutter from the front porch, moving trash cans out of view, trimming hedges to keep them neat and tidy, slimming down garden accessories, and minimizing equipment that is essential but doesn’t belong on the exterior.

When it comes to curb appeal, there is no one right answer for everyone. However, it’s important to understand that improving your property’s appearance can have an effect on buyer traffic, and it can also improve the way you feel about your home.


Landscaping can be an effective way to improve your home’s curb appeal and increase its value. It can also help you cut energy costs by reducing the need for outdoor lighting, heating, and cooling systems.

Having a well-designed and maintained garden can also increase your property’s overall privacy, which can make for a more relaxing and enjoyable place to live. Using a well-trimmed hedge, fancy shrubs, and even the latest in artificial landscaping – such as a green roof – you can create the ultimate in privacy for yourself and your family.

It’s no secret that homes with a nice-looking garden are more likely to be sold on the market and have a higher price tag attached. Using the right landscape design and tree service can increase your resale value and enhance your home’s value long after you vacate the property. The key is to find a good landscaping company that understands the needs of your property and can deliver on your promises.


Smart landscaping and tree service is not just aesthetically appealing, it is also a good way to increase your property value. Studies show that homes with a healthy landscape can sell for 6 to 7 percent more than similar properties that do not have a green buffer zone.

Creating an eco-friendly home can save homeowners money on energy costs and help them sell their property for more when it comes time to move. Millennials, the largest share of homebuyers, are increasingly enamored with living green, so it is no wonder that eco-friendly homes have become more popular with buyers.

One of the easiest ways to go eco-friendly is to reduce your waste. For example, replace plastic bags with reusable alternatives, such as cloth or canvas. Avoid single-use products that contribute to landfill waste such as sanitary napkins and tampons, or use moon cups or silicone menstrual cups instead.

Energy Efficiency

Smart landscaping and tree service are a great way to increase your property value. Whether you’re looking to sell your home or want to add value to it for your own enjoyment, the right landscape design and trees can make all the difference.

Landscaping enhances the look of a home and also helps to regulate the environment. This includes reducing water runoff, preventing soil erosion, and adding nutrients to the soil.

In addition, it can help reduce energy bills and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, a single tree can save up to 3% of your energy costs in five years and up to 12% after 15 years!

According to one study, homes with trees can sell for up to 10-15% more than the asking price. Plus, trees are one of the easiest and most affordable ways to improve the appearance of your home!

How to Keep Your Trees Healthy and Beautiful

Landscaping & Tree Service

Trees add a lot of color and texture to your landscape, and they also provide important shade. But they can be challenging to maintain because of pests, diseases and other issues that can affect their health.

A few simple things can help you keep your trees healthy and beautiful year after year. Here are a few tips to get you started:


Pruning is the process of cutting off branches or parts of a plant to maintain its size and shape and promote growth. It also helps a plant look more attractive by eliminating unwanted parts.

Most trees and plants require regular pruning to keep them healthy and beautiful. It improves the appearance of a garden and adds to your property’s curb appeal.

To prune properly, you must decide what to keep and what to cut based on health, shape, and growth pattern. You should also consider your personal preferences.

Removing dead and damaged limbs encourages fruit production on the tree. This also makes the tree less vulnerable to diseases, which can make it sicker or die.

A key factor to remember when pruning is that it should not remove more than 30% of a tree’s live foliage at one time. Removing too much live foliage can stunt a tree’s development and reduce its ability to bear fruit.


One of the most important things you can do for your trees is to keep them adequately watered. Not only does this help them survive, but it also adds to the beauty of your property and can increase its value.

The amount of water a tree needs depends on the site, climate and type of plant. Newly planted trees (those that have been in the ground for less than two years) require more frequent watering as they are still growing their roots and cannot absorb enough moisture on their own.

Established trees should be watered once a week during periods of dry weather. This helps to protect them from drought and heat stress. Evergreens are particularly susceptible to drought, as they lose their needles at a much faster rate than they can absorb water.


Fertilizer is a critical step in keeping your trees healthy and beautiful. All plants, including fruit trees, require a number of essential minerals (macros), such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Nitrogen promotes foliage growth; phosphorus triggers root growth. Both nutrients are needed in balanced amounts to produce a good crop.

To determine the appropriate amount of fertilizer for your soil, have a soil test performed through your local Clemson Extension Service. The results will give you a good idea of the nutrients your trees and shrubs need and whether your soil has adequate levels of each.

Broadcast granular fertilizers evenly over the entire root zone area using a cyclone or drop-type spreader. Apply one-half of the total amount in a single direction and the other half in a perpendicular direction for maximum coverage.


Fertilizing trees can be a critical part of maintaining their health and appearance. Trees need a variety of nutrients in order to survive and thrive, and they also need supplemental fertilization in the spring and fall, when they’re dormant.

A well-fed tree is one that is strong and healthy, with green foliage and thick branches. It is also less likely to be attacked by insects and diseases.

Most woody plants begin their new growth with stored elements from the previous year, but it is important to apply a fertilizer that contains all of the nutrients a plant needs for healthy, vigorous growth. This fertilizer should be in a form that is easy for a plant to absorb, such as granular or liquid.

The best time to fertilize your trees is in the spring after new growth begins and before cold weather sets in. This will provide a boost to their new growth, which will be stronger and more resilient than growth that hasn’t received fertilizer.

Insect Control

Insect control is one of the most important steps in keeping your trees healthy and beautiful. Pests can quickly become a big problem when their numbers get out of hand.

There are many ways to keep insects at bay without using harmful chemicals. These methods include natural pest control, biological management and chemical control.

Biological management involves the use of predators, parasitoids, or disease organisms that normally occur in nature to reduce pest populations. These techniques are usually effective against specific pest groups and can be an important part of overall pest management.

Natural insecticides can be made from essential oils, such as peppermint oil, citronella, or citrus. They are less toxic than commercial sprays, but should be used with caution. Read and follow the label carefully and use only as much as is necessary for your particular situation.

Transform Your Outdoor Space With These Expert Landscaping and Tree Service Providers

Landscaping & Tree Service

Transform Your Outdoor Space with These Expert Landscaping and Tree Service

If you’re looking to update your front or backyard, you need an experienced team of professionals on your side. Luckily, Creative Vision Tree & Landscape Services offers a wide range of landscaping services to ensure that your yard is the one you’ve always wanted.

1. Landscape Design

Transform Your Outdoor Space with These Expert Landscaping and Tree Service Providers

Landscape design is the process of integrating elements in the form of plants, water features, walkways, lighting, and furniture to create a pleasant space outdoors. Typically, landscape architects specialize in designing different types of spaces, such as parks or town squares.

In addition to designing, many landscape architects also work on restoration projects, which involve restoring natural areas that were damaged by human activity or disaster.

Auburn’s Master of Landscape Architecture program is designed to prepare students for a wide range of practice and policy positions in the profession, including urban design, landscape restoration, open space preservation planning, community planning, and landscape ecological design. Our curriculum, student work, and faculty research address emerging areas of landscape practice such as creative placemaking; environmental equity; green roofs and living walls; restorative environments; sustainable design; and urban climate design.

2. Hardscaping

If you’re a homeowner, a well-designed yard can have a distinct look and feel that appeals to you. This is often achieved with a balance of hardscaping and softscaping.

Typically, hardscape includes patios, walkways, driveways, retaining walls and other outdoor features constructed of stone or concrete. These elements can be a great addition to any outdoor space, allowing homeowners to use their property to the fullest extent possible year-round.

In addition to improving the aesthetics of your yard, hardscape also fights water waste by minimizing runoff from sloping areas. This can help prevent algae, mildew and pests from growing in the soil.

In addition, hardscapes can be made from a variety of materials, including concrete or stone pavers. It’s important to choose a material that will hold up over time and requires little maintenance.

3. Landscape Maintenance

A good landscape maintenance program is a vital part of ensuring that your outdoor space looks great and functions as intended. From weed control to mowing and pruning, our team of professionals offers a variety of services designed to keep your landscape looking vibrant.

Licensed Landscape Architects use their artistic and technical talents to design landscapes that incorporate land elements, water resources, and integrated structures into inspiring spaces that fit the client’s needs, budget and goals. They are usually a key member of a larger design team on large scale projects such as commercial buildings, parks, public recreation facilities, clubhouses, and complex residential work. Often, a Landscape Architect’s designs include planting schemes and landscaping plans that need to be carried out by a contractor.

4. Tree Care

Trees provide shade and beauty to your home, street, and neighborhood while providing valuable services including cooling the air, reducing energy consumption, and removing pollutants. Healthy trees are an important part of any landscape design and need regular care to remain healthy and aesthetically pleasing.

A professional arborist can help ensure your trees stay in good condition by monitoring their health, identifying signs of health problems and providing proper treatment. These experts will also provide maintenance and pruning to foster strength, longevity, and expansion in your tree.

A skilled professional will also take a closer look at your trees to identify any issues they might have, such as leaf rust or mildew. Having these problems addressed promptly will save you money in the long run and ensure that your trees are able to stay healthy for years to come.

5. Outdoor Lighting

When a homeowner is looking to add ambiance to their outdoor space, they often turn to the right outdoor lighting for the job. From illuminating pathways and entryways to adding safety and security features to the property, exterior lights play an important role in a home’s overall design and functionality.

Having a skilled landscape architect on hand can help homeowners select the best types of outdoor lighting for their homes and gardens. They have extensive experience in designing lighting systems for different purposes, as well as the ability to navigate city planning and building departments to get the job done.